Constitution Of The 32 County Sovereignty Movement.
Whereas the people of Ireland represent the nation of Ireland and the 32 counties of Ireland represent the national territory of Ireland, we hold that the sovereignty of the Irish nation is interdependent upon the freedom of the Irish people and the integrity of the national territory, and
Whereas the people of Ireland never relinquished the claim to separate Nationhood, and
Whereas the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic, Easter 1916, in the name of the Irish people, reasserted the inalienable right of the Irish Nation to Sovereign Independence, and reaffirmed the determination of the Irish people to achieve it, and
Whereas on January 21st, 1919, following the general election of December, 1918, the duly elected representatives of the Irish people assembled in National Parliament, proclaimed the Independence of Ireland and ratified the establishment of the Irish Republic proclaimed in 1916, thus founding the Republic on the democratic basis of the free votes of the people of Ireland with Dáil Éireann as it's government;
RESOLVED; "That we the representatives of the organisation, assembled, hereby declare the following to be the constitution of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement:
The name of the organisation shall be the (Irish) 32 County Sovereignty Movement.
The organisation is based upon the following fundamental democratic principles:
(a). That the sovereignty and unity of Ireland are inalienable and indefeasible.
(b). That the organisation solely stands to uphold the Declaration of Independence, in word, deed and spirit, as established in 1918 and ratified by Dáil Éireann on January 21st 1919.
(c). That only the Irish people as a whole acting freely and without external impediment can mandate government for the Irish people.
(d). That the Irish people have a right to national self-determination.
(e). That partition is illegal.
(f). That recognizing the denial of national sovereignty to the Irish people through British occupation of part of the national territory; we hold that all administrations and assemblies purporting to act as lawful government for the Irish people, or otherwise functioning as partitionist entities, to be illegal under international law as they usurp Irish sovereignty.
(g). We hold that it is both a right and a duty of all Irish people to uphold Irish sovereignty.
(h). We reaffirm the right of the Irish people to use all legitimate means necessary to restore National Sovereignty as declared in the Declaration of Independence 1919.
The objectives of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement are:
(a). The restoration of Irish National Sovereignty.
(b). To seek to achieve unity among the Irish people on the issue of restoring National Sovereignty and to promote the Revolutionary ideals of Republicanism and to this end involve itself in resisting all forms of colonialism and imperialism.
(c). To seek the immediate and unconditional release of all Irish Republican Prisoners throughout the world.
(a). The encouragement/fostering of democratic debate within the Nation
(b). To establish a committee structure to engage in an educational programme, agitation and fund raising.
(c). That the National Executive seek to establish and develop international links in support of our objectives.
(d). To initiate and co-ordinate a campaign to demand the right of the Irish people to freely exercise national self-determination, without external impediment.
(a). Membership is open to all who accept and sign the Declaration of Independence and adhere to the constitution and rules of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement.
(b). Membership is only obtainable through the National Executive and local committees of the movement.
(c). The 32 County Sovereignty Movement is not a political party, therefore will not contest elections.
(d). It shall be open to the National Executive to refuse membership. The National Executive shall have the power to refuse membership to any person applying and to expel any member from the organisation. Before being dismissed, however, a member must be given the opportunity of being heard in his/her own defence.
(e). A membership fee of £10.00 is payable per year, this fee may be increased yearly but the national executive must first seek approval at the annual general meeting. Membership cards will be issued to all paid up members. All fees must be paid in full two months prior to AGM.
(f). Associate membership can be considered at the discretion of the National Executive. Associate members shall be bound by the constitution and rules and be responsible to the National Executive but will have no voting rights.
(g). The Annual General Meeting will elect fourteen members by ballot to the National Executive.
(h). The foregoing constitution of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement may not be altered or amended except at the AGM.
(i). Notice of such proposed alterations or amendments must be on the agenda. Any change or alteration to the constitution shall require a supporting vote of not less than two-thirds of the duly elected delegates present at the AGM.
(a). The supreme governance and legislative body shall be the AGM, which will be convened annually by the National Executive. Officers and members of the out going National Executive shall have one vote each. Each local committee shall nominate two delegates to attend the AGM with full voting powers.
(b). The AGM is open to all members of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement for
open and democratic debate.
(c). The time and place of meetings of the AGM will be at the discretion of the National Executive and local committees should have notice eight weeks in advance.
(d). Resolutions must be received by National Secretary not later than six weeks prior to the AGM and must come from a committee.
(e). Nominations to National Executive must come from a committee not later than 28 days prior to the AGM.
(f). Members consenting to nomination as member of the National Executive shall not withdraw their nomination on the day of the election.
(g). Delegates must be chosen from local committees and their names forwarded to the secretary of the National Executive.
Outside of the AGM the National Executive will be in control of the organisation. The National Executive shall comprise of the following officers; Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant treasurer, Director of Finance, Director of Publicity, Director of Education, Four Provincial Organisers and two other members. The Officer board is elected by the National Executive.
The National Executive shall have the power to co-opt no more than three members for specific purposes and to fill vacancies were they occur.
The National Executive shall meet within two weeks of the AGM, and afterwards meet at least once a month. Special meetings shall be held at the discretion of the National Executive.
An officer who fails to attend for three consecutive meetings and fails to inform the executive of the reasons for absence will forfeit the right to remain on the National Executive unless in exceptional circumstances. Where a vacancy occurs as a result of non attendance, it shall be filled temporarily until the next AGM.
The national executive must at all times maintain strict financial control over all monies under their care and trust.
The national Treasurer must present to the AGM a full and detailed financial report of the previous year.
Local committees shall be established in areas as directed by the National Executive.
No committee shall be formed without the sanction of the National Executive.
The initial meeting of a local committee shall be presided over by a member of the National Executive and it's first business shall be to elect it's officers to hold office until the next AGM of a local committee.
All local committees must convene an AGM within four weeks of National AGM and elect an officer board.
A list of officers and members shall be forwarded to the National Secretary.
Members of the National Executive are entitled to attend local committee meetings having first given notice and should be afforded speaking rights.
To create an awareness of the aims of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement and to engage in it's activities in the local area.
To raise funds when necessary and as directed by the National Executive. Areas must inform the national executive of any local fund raising and seek permission for same.
A local committee shall keep a strict record, i.e., Minute book, an account of it's receipts, expenditure, assets and liabilities. These shall be open to inspection by the National Executive.
No expenses can be incurred without permission and ratified at a meeting. No expenses will be reimbursed to any person with out proper receipts.
A local committee can suspend any of it's members, for adequate cause, subject to the right of appeal to the National Executive. Any member who fails to attend three consecutive local committee meetings without due reason shall be suspended.
Local committees should hold no more than £100.00 in their account.
The secretary should give quarterly reports to the National Executive on the activities of their group.
Members must be conscious at all times that they are the public face of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement and their behaviour should be such as not to bring the movement into disrepute.
Differences arising between members, that are unable to be settled locally, shall be referred to the National Executive for settlement, subject to the right of appeal.
The suspension of a member for an unspecified period shall become invalid after six months unless it is renewed.
(Ratified at AGM June 24th 2000)